Monday, November 9, 2009

Early November

Below is a cell phone photo I took today in the park across the street. My phone has a very poor-quality camera, but still you get the idea that fall is here. Most leaves have turned, and some trees have lost many, and some have lost almost none. Walking around the neighborhood I see big piles of leaves raked to the curb. Some of the piles are huge. I walked past one that must have taken many days to create (or many people working for only one day). That takes determination … or maybe, a leaf phobia. Personally, I’m not real big on raking leaves. I’ve found that if you leave them alone, nature takes care of them by itself … it doesn’t need our help. They gradually disappear on their own schedule. Where they go, who knows? To a big leafpile in the sky, perhaps. Of course, in this “civilized” land, just as we have to keep all our blades of grass trimmed to exactly the same length, if a leaf touches the ground it must be gotten rid of NOW.


There was a Halloween festival in the park, and the serpentine track in the grass is where the Haunted House stood. The track was caused by hundreds of kids tromping through the House.

Here’s a closeup of the tree in the above picture. Very colorful.park

It’s been a fairly warm autumn. Roses are still blooming beside my house. This yellow rose is one of several blooming below an awning on the south wall of my house.


More later.