I maintain there is only one mind in this Universe, and it manifests in at least 7 billion ways on this planet. Indeed, it manifests in far more ways than 7 billion.
It manifests in the past, in the present, and in the future. The division of our reality into past, present, and future is an illusion, because the same Mind inhabits all of them at the same time.
This one Mind experiences many paths. Imagine putting your ten fingers into ten containers. One container holds warm water, another holds ice, another holds oil, another holds sand, another holds pudding, and so on. Your mind experiences all the things in the ten containers at the same time. The universal Mind experiences a virtual infinity of paths at the same time.
What is this one Mind? It is the Source. It is the source of all we know and all we can know. It is the source of mathematics, the source of geometry, the source of quantum physics. It is the source of love, of beauty, of curiosity, of optimism, of serenity. It is the source of rapture, of bliss, of passion, of exuberance, of radiance. It is the source of matter and energy, of time and space. It is the source of our personal reality and the source of all realities, potential and realized.
Can we change our reality? Yes, we can. In fact, we change it all the time. We may not be aware that we're changing our reality. We may think the things we encounter — good fortune, bad fortune — just come out of nowhere to bless us or bedevil us. We may not realize that we have steered our life to these things as surely as the helmsman of the Titanic steered his ship to an iceberg.
How do we steer ourselves to these realities? We do it with our thoughts and beliefs.
"Reality is built out of thought,
and our every thought begins to create reality."
— Edgar Cayce
Be careful what you spend most of your time thinking about. Your
thoughts will change your world whether you want them to or not.
"What you think, you become.
What you feel, you attract.
What you imagine, you create."
— Buddha
Knowing that your thoughts create your reality does not immediately do anything for you. It is only a key: the first small step to a (potentially) new path. Changing your thoughts is a difficult part of personal growth. But it is also the necessary part if you ever want to be somewhere other than where you are now.