Sunday, October 13, 2024

Bump In The Night

My domestic partner, Nuria, hates to drive at night. She has told her employer again and again that she can't work late because she doesn't want to drive home after dark. Nevertheless, they seem to constantly require her to work until after nightfall.

Last night Nuria was again driving home in the dark when BANG! ... she collided with another car. Here's what happened.

The night was dark. Nuria stopped at a stop sign, looked both ways, and proceeded to make a left turn to drive to my house which was located only about 100 feet from the intersection. Suddenly her car was hit by another vehicle. The other vehicle was being driven by an intoxicated individual who was driving with headlights off. Not being able to see his car in the darkness, Nuria had inadvertently pulled in front of him, The other driver tried to pass Nuria's Toyota on the right, but grazed her Toyota's right front fender. Both drivers got out of their vehicles and inspected the damage. Then Nuria ran to my front door to call the police. When I answered the door, Nuria ran into the house muttering some letters and numbers repeatedly. She was repeating the license plate number of the other car. She didn't have a pen to write it down until she got inside my house, and she didn't want to forget the plate number. Meanwhile, the other driver left the scene.

The police came and took Nuria's information. Then the officer, armed with the license plate number, looked up the address of the other driver and then drove to his house to get his side of the situation. (The other driver lives two streets from my house.) Then the officer returned. He said the other driver was indeed drunk, but claimed to have only gotten drunk after he got home. The officer printed out a police report for the insurance company (he assigned blame for the accident to the intoxicated driver who was driving with no headlights), and he gave Nuria a copy of the report for her insurance company. 

The officer left and, for a while, our conversation was about Nuria's accident. The Toyota's damage consists mainly of scrapes on the vehicle's right front fender. It certainly could have been worse. But matters slowly settled and returned to normal. Now it remains for Nuria to have her car repaired, and that will likely be a story with further adventures. 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Right Said Fred

I've been somewhat overweight for a long time. I recently weighed about 216 when my "correct" weight was 155 pounds. I will hasten to add that for me, 155 pounds would have made me a very thin person. At that weight, a breeze would have blown me over. I carried most of the excess weight around my middle. My arms and legs and even my face were fairly "normal" but, as the years passed, my middle went from size 34 to 36 to 38 to 40. 

Then in August of this year, I got sick. I don't know what the malady was, but I was sick from August 1 to August 16. Over those sixteen days, I could eat no food. I could drink water or soft drinks, but I ate nothing and struggled to swallow medicine. When I began eating again, I ate one small meal at dinnertime. That's all I could keep down. Over 16 days, my weight dropped from 216 to 197 pounds. But I thought I might be on to something. I've continued eating one small meal per day in the evening, plus snacks once or twice during the day, and my current weight is 194. My partner Nuria says I should stop losing weight when I reach 190. She says that if I go any lower I'll be too thin. I know what she's afraid of: she's afraid I'll be too sexy for my shirt. Wait -- wasn't "too sexy" a lyric in Right Said Fred's 1991 hit song "I'm Too Sexy"? I think it was.

The song of the day is I'm Too Sexy by English pop band Right Said Fred featuring brothers Fred and Richard Fairbrass. The song was featured on their first album, Up, released in 1992.