Monday, August 10, 2009

I'm back

I shouldn't let my blog languish like I have. But really, there hasn't been much to write about. For the last month I've been working intensely on my reminder program. I'm obsessed about getting it to a release candidate. I've developed two websites so far, and neither is public yet. They're just testbeds for the html and Javascript. One is a Comcast personal site here that is plain old html. I just discovered wix so I have a Flash website here. When I started writing the program, I called it RxReminder for lack of a better name. Then, when I went to get the domain registered 18 months later, I found that while I was working on the program, someone had trademarked the name and registered the domain name. So what am I going to call it? I chose the rather lame Reminder XR ... it has the same initials: RXR. Still searching for a name that isn't already taken. And should I sell the program, give it away, or what? I wouldn't mind making a few dollars for the many hundreds of hours I've worked on it. On the other hand, I believe in the concept of community service, of giving back, of doing something to help other people get through the day.

The National Weather Service says my local temperature is 99°. It's August in Central Virginia. I'm a little surprised that it's ONLY 99°.

It reminds me of my last trip to the beach, two Augusts ago. The heat index stayed around 115° every day. The sun was the kind of sun that makes you feel you're getting a 1st degree burn by just stepping through the door. When I got a sunburn while sitting in the shade, I cut the trip short.

(Another memorable thing about that trip to the beach was that 50 miles into the trip my right front disc caliper seized up with the brake ON. I was in the middle of nowhere, so I drove the next 100 miles with the brake on. I had 220 horses and 4-wheel drive - one locked up brake had zero chance of stopping me. But when I got to the beach and found an auto shop, that wheel was smoking hot, and I mean that literally.)

There's something about August. I recall driving into Helena, Montana, one sunny August day. The air was hot and the sun was blistering. I remember thinking, "this is the hottest place I've ever been", and maybe it was. I've never been to Death Valley, but if it's hotter than central Virgina in August, then no thank you.

1 comment:

CyberDave said...

Toasty! Nothin' like a hot August in the Commonwealth. I see you are not on line tonite. Catch you on the morrow, VW.