Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Height/Weight Botheration

I looked at one of those height/weight charts that one can easily find on the Web, and I was dismayed to discover that I am almost 5 inches too short for my weight. Dismayed because at my age there is virtually no chance that I’ll be able to add 5 inches to my height. I’m destined to always be too short for my weight. Sigh.

But at least I have company. Millions of Americans are too short for their weight. Some blame sugary soft drinks. Those soft drinks must be stunting our growth; that could explain why so many of us are too short for our weight. That’s unfortunate, as being too short for one’s weight is known to contribute to diabetes, heart disease, and even some cancers. But as I have no control over my height, I’m not going to worry about it.

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