Friday, December 6, 2013

Be Here Now

You know what it is about people that annoys me? Okay, lots of things about people annoy me. Like, the fact they’re destroying the planet I happen to call home. But that’s more of a theoretical annoyance than an immediate, practical annoyance. The thing that annoys me right now is when people put their lives into my hands and depend upon my aging peepers and reflexes to keep them alive.

Case in point: I was at the grocery store tonight. The sun had set and the day had become dusky dark. I put my groceries in the car and started the engine. I shifted the transmission from Park to Reverse. I started backing out of my parking spot, unable to see very clearly because of the darkness and, let’s face it, backup lights really aren’t all that bright. I couldn’t back up far enough so I had to stop and pull forward while turning, and then stop and backup again. Suddenly out of nowhere I see silhouettes of people walking right behind my Jeep. I hit the brake. If I didn’t, I would have backed right over them. I wanted to say, “What is the matter with you people? Can’t you see I’m backing up here? Are you trying to get run over?” But I didn’t. I hit the brake and gave them the opportunity to do something dumb on another day.

Oh, but if I hadn’t seen them in time, there would be no end to the blaming, the finger-pointing, and the lawsuits. Why would someone walk directly behind a vehicle that is backing up, especially while they are wearing dark clothes in the twilight of evening? I guess it comes down to people not thinking and being in a hurry. Their minds are elsewhere. They are thinking of shopping, thinking of where they want to be, thinking of what they have to do before the holidays arrive. Their bodies are on autopilot while their brains are somewhere else. Good thing one of us was in the present moment.

If I could, I would say to those people, “Look, I know it’s hard, but you have to try to be here now. It’s a busy world and you have places to go and things to do, but be here now. Don’t be some place your body isn’t. Don’t be some time your body isn’t.  Don’t be in yesterday, don’t be in tomorrow or next week. Don’t assume the driver will see you, don’t assume the car will stop. Please stop making me save you from being hurt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There must be a reason why people do that. I noticed it is very commonplace. Know what I have even done it! A study should be done? Maybe they think they are getting out of your way. Who knows. I say give them a break! There are worse things that people can do.