Sunday, October 19, 2014

Football Watching Day

Today was an exceptional fall day. Cloudless, blue sky to the horizon in every direction; temperature 62°, warm sun, light breeze. There might be prettier days in Heaven, but here on Earth you’d be hard-pressed to find a nicer day than today. In short, it was a perfect day for lounging in front of the TV and watching football while munching on pizza, popcorn, and salted nuts. So I did.

It seems like all my neighbors were wasting their day mowing grass. I wanted to say to them, “People, what are you doing? This isn’t a grass-mowing day, this is a football-watching day.” I watched the Redskins/Titans game. The ‘Skins won today; it was their first win in 5 games. Now it’s 4:30 and I should probably go for a walk. I hear walking is healthy. I’m skeptical, but now that the game is over, what else is there to do? The pizza is gone, the popcorn is finished, and the salted nuts are seriously damaged. A little voice in my head tells me walk it off. Ok, ok, I’m going.

(Time passes…)

I went to a nearby park beside the river that flows past my small city. I communed with Nature. I took photos. I had the park to myself and it was very peaceful. Now I’m back in time to watch the Cowboys/Giants game.

Photos (click any photo to enlarge):

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