Saturday, October 3, 2015

House Ghost

Something just happened that begs to be shared.

I’ve been trying to get started on a house-cleaning project all week. I want to do a thorough, top-to-bottom cleaning and sprucing up of my house. It’s the kind of job that is probably going to require a week, maybe two, and it’s been my intention, every day this week, to get started on it. But my powers of procrastination are greater than my desire to clean, so the cleaning project has been on hold. I’ve watched TV, I’ve surfed the Internet, I’ve blogged; in short, I’ve done anything but the cleaning that I’ve known lies ahead of me.

This morning I got out of bed and walked to the living room. I sat at the computer and checked email, video-chatted with a friend, and read the news. I watched the first half of the Texas-TCU game (TCU outscored Texas by 30-0 in the first quarter!). Once again, my procrastination was winning.

Then something strange happened. I got up and walked to my bedroom. I walked through the bedroom doorway and I sat down on the edge of my bed, thinking how nice it would be to take a short nap. I happened to glance toward the open bedroom doorway and I saw, on the floor in the dead center of the doorway, a can of Ajax cleanser. It wasn’t there 10 seconds earlier. I know this because if it had been there when I entered the room, I would have seen it – and if somehow I had not seen it, I very likely would have stumbled over it and probably kicked it across the room.

No one besides me has been in my house all week. I have not touched the can of Ajax today – or even this week. How did the Ajax get from the bathroom to my bedroom doorway? House ghost? Poltergeist?

I knew what was happening. The house wants me to start cleaning and put the Ajax in my doorway as a hint. So I grabbed the Ajax, took it to the bathroom, and cleaned the tub. Thanks, house. It was the push I needed.

I have to stop here. No more blogging for me today. I have cleaning to do, and the house is waiting.

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