Thursday, November 16, 2017

No-Shave November

We’re in the middle of no-shave November. (If you think I’m making that up, it’s understandable, but go to and take a look.)

“What is no-shave November?” I hear some of you asking.  According to the organization’s website:

No-Shave November is a month-long journey during which participants forgo shaving and grooming in order to evoke conversation and raise cancer awareness.

I forewent shaving for a week. (Forewent is the past tense of forego. It’s also the imperfect subjunctive of forego, but really, who uses subjunctives these days? I mean, outside of Latin America where they are used a lot. You see the kind of twaddle that writers have to know about!)

But back to shaving and the foregoing thereof.

My no-shave November experiment lasted a week. Then my beard got to that in-between stage, where it was long enough to be itchy but not long enough to be, well, not itchy.

So I showered, then I shaved off my week-old beard, and I cut my hair (yes, I always cut my own hair — get over it). I washed a load of laundry (now tumbling in the dryer) and now I’m washing a second load of laundry. I'd like to relax and sip a shot or two, but that would only make me sleepy. So I'll defer that until bedtime — which will be sometime early tomorrow morning. (Yesterday’s bedtime was 3AM today.)

So men, if you would like to skip your morning shaving ritual for a while, and not comb your hair, and maybe not bathe for a few days, then go ahead and do it, knowing the entire staff at is one hundred percent behind you. If, when you get to work, your boss tells you to go home and shave, and bathe, and comb your hair, tell him in your strongest voice, “For God’s sake, I’m doing this for cancer awareness! Have you no compassion for cancer victims? What kind of monster are you?!”

Be advised: is not going to find you another job. But I’m sure they would hope you find comfort in knowing you had the moral high ground.

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