Saturday, August 25, 2018

Wendy’s Again

I went to my local Wendy’s again today. That was my first mistake. I ordered a taco salad. That was my second mistake.

This Wendy’s seems to always mishandle my order. Why do I go back? Because I keep hoping they will train their workers and fire the ones who can’t be trained. That hope gets fainter with each trip.

I placed my order and waited. I knew they would leave some ingredient out of my salad. How did I know? They always do. The last time I was at Wendy’s I bought an avocado-chicken salad to go. I got home and discovered there was no avocado on the salad. How do you forget to add one of the two ingredients the salad is named after? 

Wendy’s salads are made in the morning so they’re ready for the lunch crowd. I placed my order and waited. And waited. Two men came in together and ordered. Each man received his meal and left. I thought, “I should have ordered something deep-fried or grilled.” Another man came in alone, ordered, received his meal, and left. I continued to wait for my “pre-made” taco salad. Finally, I received my salad and went home.

When I got home and opened the salad container I discovered—surprise, surprise—the shredded cheese was missing.

A taco salad is simple. The salad container has three ingredients: lettuce, diced tomato, and shredded cheese. Then the lid goes on. You get chili, sour cream, salsa, and tortilla chips on the side. A taco salad is not rocket science.

Or maybe it is, depending on who makes the salad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's like a moth to flame, VW the moth, Wendy's the flame. Heads up: they won't get any better with that, amigoid. Suggestion: Next time you hear Wendy's singing the Siren's song, jink to the right and go to the Chinese buffet place. A little extra MSG couldn't hurt as badly as the ill that Wendy's is determined to visit upon you. Just sayin'..