Tuesday, April 26, 2022


I've been around a long time, as some of my readers know. I've seen America change in a lot of ways. I can't speak of other countries that I haven't seen, but I suspect they've changed, too.

These changes take many forms, but one example that is quite obvious to me and many older Americans is that, to put it bluntly, people are getting dumber. People in Congress are a lot dumber than the Congresspersons of my younger years. I once had a cop tell me, "People are getting dumber and dumber."

Passengers fight on passenger jets. People shoot up their streets and workplaces. People walk into a store and shoot customers they don't know. And so on. I'm tempted to say, "For no reason." But, there is a reason. There is always a reason.

Many years ago I read about an experiment that scientists performed on rats. Scientists put a small number of rats into a very large cage. The rats had plenty of room and were friendly with each other. But the population of rats grew without restraint, and the cage became crowded. As the rats became more crowded, they became more aggressive. They began attacking each other for "no reason," rather like some people who are trapped in crowded, inner-city environments with no escape. Violence goes up. Compassion goes down.

But what about people getting dumber? Is that true? Yes, it is. Worldwide, many decades of IQ tests prove that people are getting dumber. There's a reason. The reason is "tetraethyl lead."

Tetraethyl lead was added to gasoline beginning in 1922 to help engines run better. But lead is poisonous. Exposure can cause severe neurological damage, something that was known the entire time that leaded gasoline was in use.

Lead takes the place of calcium in the body. It gets into bones, nerves, and the brain. Falling IQ scores correlate with increased usage of leaded gasoline over the decades. We're getting dumber and we (as a species) did it to ourselves. When lead gets into our bodies, it is extremely difficult to remove. A process called chelation can remove some of it, but chelation comes with its own dangers. In children, chelation therapy can cause serious complications including permanent kidney damage or even death. The treatment is often reserved for only those children with very high lead levels. The person with lead poisoning is permanently damaged.

We've polluted our land and oceans, and we're still polluting them. We've turned Eden into a Dystopia, and now we are living in it. From overcrowding our habitable places to poisoning our planet, human activity is among the biggest disasters to hit Earth. Quoting Wikipedia,

"The Holocene extinction, otherwise referred to as the sixth mass extinction or Anthropocene extinction, is an ongoing extinction event of species during the present Holocene epoch (with the more recent time sometimes called Anthropocene) as a result of human activity." 

And now, Earth is hitting back. Today's humans are more dumb, more aggressive, and more sick, in more ways, than their ancestors. It is likely to get worse before it gets better.

Incidentally, there is an article about the history of tetraethyl lead on the YouTube channel Veritasium. Quoting Veritasium, "One scientist caused two environmental disasters and the deaths of millions." It's a story worth knowing. The title of the video is "The Man Who Accidentally Killed The Most People In History." You can watch the video here.


Anonymous said...

Great recap on this subject. I went to bed last night and woke up this morning with this exact subject on my mind. Great minds and all that !!!

But I didn't realize this about lead !! Everyone accused President Trump of taking us to WWIII but now it's Biden doing it.

With all the supposed smarts of this "world" it's so difficult to believe citizens would allow this to happen. Let the smart ones come forward and insist everyone get along.

The issue you site for aggression is notable and should be taken to heart by all. I've seen a small street take on over building and I often think to myself -- "who's running this show" -- it's so obvious its for the almighty dollar. But the violence issue you pointed out is so worth studying and acting on.

What is wrong with our leaders both big and small to allow these things to happen. Is there anywhere that is governed by smart people? Those running for office should have credentials "before" being allowed to even sign up.

Excellent post this morning -- now I would love to hear your take on how it can be fixed!!

Thanks for a thought provoking read.

Now I'm really mad at the world leaders ---but I'm not going to go out and start fights and rage against the WH because you've succeeded in getting me fired up. I have too much good sense for that -----and I don't want to see in another blog post that because of your words --violence was incited !! I don't want someone to say "Trump Made Me Do It" --- or in this case "VW made me do it" ......

Outstanding discussion !!! Now please don't go on vacation again !! We need your words of wisdom to keep us in the know.


Anonymous said...

Good morning to everyone!

Very excited post. As I am not American, I still don't understand many things, specially politics but I think this blog is not only about it and there is not need to be fired up with anybody.

I think this is also about evil everywhere and lack of faith. Many humans have lost it and their souls and spirits are full of anger, selfishness, materialism and all these things don't allow them to think clear and that is why they do stupid things and get dumb and dumb every day.

We know that this can not be fixed it.

Excellent post Mr. VW! I love your widsom and knowledge.