Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Annoying Ad

The TV commercial currently topping my list of annoying commercials is the Viagra ad where a male narrator says “You’ve reached the age where giving up isn’t who you are.” In this ad, a man gets out of a pickup truck and starts to build a campfire but realizes his lighter won’t work. So he goes to his truck and gets out a Buck knife. (It’s a Model 110 folding Hunter – I know because I have one.) He goes back to the campsite and proceeds to hit a rock with his knife. Voilà – just a couple of strikes of knife on rock and he has a campfire.

Hold on a second. In reality, he would have spent 15 minutes beating a rock with his knife before he got that kindling lit. It’s not as easy to start a fire with steel and flint as the ad makes it look. If that guy was me, I’d hop back into that pickup truck and drive 5 miles to the 7-11 and buy a disposable lighter before I would spend a quarter hour beating my nice Buck knife on a rock. Does Viagra make you stupid?

And what about that line, “You’ve reached the age where giving up isn’t who you are”? What age is that? The older I get, the faster I give up. Sometimes all I have to do is think about mowing the lawn and I give up. I’ll do it tomorrow. With any luck, it will rain tomorrow.

I’ve seen this guy in several Viagra commercials. He’s always getting himself into trouble while doing something stupid, like trying to tow a fully loaded horse trailer through deep mud. This guy could benefit from learning when to give up and go at it a different way.

I call this guy the Viagra Man. He’s reached the age where he knows better but he’s going to do it anyway, because being smart isn’t who he is.

Just my opinion, Viagra Man.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have two complaints about that particular commercial:

1) The bolsters on the buck knife are brass;
2) He's at the beach. I don't think you will find flint at the beach. Not unless you are in a volcanic region.

Mad Men! Fah!
