Thursday, June 25, 2015

Embattled Flag

I was born in a southern state, I grew up in a different southern state, I have worked in southern states, and I live in a southern state now. I have southern roots going back as far as I’ve been able to trace my ancestry. And I’m perfectly fine with not seeing the Confederate battle flag outside of a museum. If some of our citizens are disturbed by it and view it as a symbol of racism or slavery, then why would anyone want to wave it in their face?

Slavery was an evil institution. There were many good people in the antebellum South, but they took a wrong road when they decided that owning human beings was worth fighting a devastating war to preserve. The Confederate battle flag should be displayed in museums as a part of Southern history, not proudly displayed as a part of “Southern heritage.” The battle flag has too much baggage. Get rid of public displays by government. Then get over it.

We live in a democracy. If the majority wants to be callous toward the feelings of a minority, that is unfortunately the way it will be. Sometimes a large number of people have to “see the light” before change can happen.

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