Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Trump Path

Trump doesn’t worry me. I don’t think he alone can take America down a bad road. The people who worry me are his supporters. When they demand for a person to be imprisoned who hasn’t been charged with the commission of a crime, let alone convicted of one (“lock her up!”), that says something about them. When they demand for a person to be deported because that person disagrees with their leader (“send her back!”) that, too, says something about them.

One of the hallmarks of a fascist government is forcible suppression of opposition. It doesn’t bode well that Trump’s supporters are demanding it. Regarding the fascist chanting, I heard a Trump supporter say, “Oh, that’s just a Trump rally.” In other words, fascist slogans are acceptable to Trump.

If fascism comes to America, I don’t think it will be the German version. More likely it will be a uniquely American version whose shape is yet to be determined. But I’m sure it will have some of the same elements: appeals to racism, appeals to nationalism, and suppression of opposition.

Trump seems to enjoy the company of dictators (Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, Xi Jinping, Rodrigo Duterte). It’s easy to imagine Trump wanting similar power. He doesn’t seem to understand the president’s job (which is to administer laws and resolutions passed by Congress) and he becomes annoyed when Congress doesn’t do his bidding. In fact, he seems annoyed by the process of negotiation.

To his supporters, I will leave a couple of thoughts that come to mind.

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” —George Santayana

“Be careful what you wish for, lest it come true.” —Chinese proverb


John Holland said...

I am surprised you omitted the Sinclair Lewis (?) line:
“When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”.

CyberDave2.1 said...

I'm surprised that I worry you.

gatorontheday said...

Told my Lady before she ventured to Wally World the last time that she needed to put a piece of toilet paper dragging out of her shoe or one hanging out the back of her pants. This because I told her she would not wish to disappoint those who look upon "some of us" who are considered deplorable, Christians and such. You know, the rif-raff of this fine Republic of ours. That said I still enjoy your blogs as another viewpoint of the world today.