Sunday, August 18, 2019

Night Thoughts

I awoke in early morning darkness. I rolled over in bed and looked at the softly glowing numerals on my clock.

The time was 1:55.

This is what I remembered:

I dreamed that I wrote a novel. Then (this part might be real) I awoke and recalled the dream. At this point I could have gotten out of bed and written an outline of the novel. But I didn’t do that. Instead, I lay in bed and fell asleep again and dreamed another dream.

The second dream was also a novel. Or, possibly, it was a collection of short stories. Whatever it was, I remembered it at 1:55. I remembered the events. I remembered the details. I remembered whether it was written first person or third person.

I opened my eyes and looked at the clock. The time was still 1:55. I wondered briefly if my clock was broken, stuck at 1:55. But then it changed to 1:56.

I got out of bed, determined to write an outline of this second dream before it could fade away. I sat in front of my electronic brain and began typing this blog post. But at this point in time, the details of my two novels have faded away completely. All I can remember about the novels is that they were wonderful. Too bad you missed them. I know, it’s disappointing. Sorry.

But I like to leave my readers with something worth their visit, so here’s a factoid for you: There are only three English words that rhyme with no other words. They are angel, bulb, and month. Thank you, And good night.

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