Monday, September 2, 2019

Foggy Morn

It’s foggy this morning. This is the park across the street. The houses on the other side of the park are invisible; tall trees in the park are mere shadows.

Dorian is on the way. At the moment, category 5 Dorian is busy turning Grand Bahama Island into a wasteland. I pity the residents there who are having to endure 200 mph winds.

Is this fog a harbinger of fierce weather on the way here, or is it just fog? I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it’s only fog—a cloud so low that it’s touching the ground. Stay away, Dorian. If the storm predictions are correct, my central Virginia city may see some rain and a little wind, but the worst weather will stay near the coast. Updates to follow.

(Note: the tall pole on the left side of the photo has a cylinder atop it. The cylinder is the BFS of which I have written. The BFS is so loud it scares tornadoes away. I’m not sure how it would affect a category 5 hurricane.)

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