Friday, April 24, 2020

The Recent Pandemic

My friend and fellow blogger CD is a “prepper.” I call his hobby prepper-lite. He hasn’t rented or built an underground bunker stocked with 12 months of provisions and medicines (that I am aware of). He probably doesn’t even own a bug-out bag. But he’s prepared to be cut off from the world for weeks or months. I don’t know the details of prepper life, but I can still recall my Boy Scout motto: Be prepared.

CD has stocked up on items he will need in the event of a “zombie apocalypse” (or ZA, as he calls it). The word “zombie” is his catchall for any doomsday event that can knock out a portion of the country or planet: a meteor strike, alien invasion, nuclear war … the list of possible apocalypses is a long one. We may be in the beginning of one now. How would we know?

But it turns out that you don’t need any of those apocalyptic events to have a ZA. All you need are human beings. Humans can create their own ZA out of nothing more than fear. Real shortages may come, but at this point we have only fear-induced buying sprees that are creating shortages.

The CDC estimates that the recent flu season in the US (October 1, 2019, through April 4, 2020) resulted in 39 to 56 million flu cases and 24 to 62 thousand flu deaths. But people are comfortable with those numbers. A vaccine for flu is available each fall, yet less than half of adult Americans get a flu shot. The US has had 870 thousand confirmed cases of Covid-19 with 50 thousand deaths thus far.

The numbers explain why so many people want to ignore medical advice and go back to work. But the numbers, in most countries, are still going up, and no one knows when the numbers will level off. We can only wait and see.

Chart: Confirmed Covid-19 cases in the US through April 23, 2020.


Anonymous said...

I HAVE a bag of bugs. Keep 'em in the freezer. They stay fresh that way, see.

Anonymous said...

Read your recent blogs and thought I would put in my penny or nickel worth of thought on it V.W.

In recent days, I went to the store on my day off. One of the cashier managers saw me and aghast asked me where my "mask" was. Well, I replied that I was "off the clock" and therefore was not wearing the mandatory mask. She was shocked!

I then went into the statistics of what is going on. Pretty much what I told her follows.

Our company has over 110,000 partners. We operated around 220 location stores of varied brands with the company.

We did not begin wearing masks until about two weeks ago. We service untold 1,000's of customers and have been doing so since before "the pandemic" began.

As of Saturday we had "four confirmed partner CV-19 cases". That number went up by "1" today. So out of 110,000 partners who have interacted with the general public since the beginning of this "thang"; that is the statistic number of partners showing infection.

Can you say Planned Demic?

Well, I was asked by a partner the other day: "What is the point of all this?"

My reply was several fold. I said or asked: "How many Trump rallies have you seen since this started?"

How many debates with Joe, the handsy kinda running man have you seen?

Have you noticed the "push for "mail-in ballots" for the election?

Our Nation had the best economic boom of any in history...... the shutdown did "what to that?"

I could go on and on but I won't bore you.

My personal opinion is that this is a pys-opt more or less. What can "the powers that be" do to see how much of our Constitutional Rights will the public "give up" in a ceratin situation. We only have to look back to 9/11 to see and look back at "The Patriot Act" and what came afterwards.

It only takes a driven fear to make the herd become as sheep.

Just my opinion Brother, just my opinion.

Later gator~