Thursday, June 18, 2020

More Strangeness

I’ve blogged a half dozen times about the odd things that have happened to me in this house. Today another odd thing happened. I can’t prove it happened; you’ll have to take my word for it. It’s a very mundane thing, and yet completely unexplainable.

I have a beard trimmer that I use a couple times a week to make my beard acceptable to regular society. It came in a case with some attachments and a little brush which I’ll call brush-1. I used brush-1 to brush the beard trimmings (shavings?) off the trimmer.

One day, brush-1 disappeared. I looked all over for it. I searched the bathroom floor; I searched the bathroom trash can; I searched the top of my bedroom dresser. But brush-1 was gone.

I had another little brush which I’ll call brush-2. It was slightly larger than brush-1 and was made to fill a different purpose, but it was small enough to make an ideal beard trimmer cleaner. In fact, I preferred it to brush-1. I kept brush-2 in the beard trimmer case, just as I had kept brush-1 in the case before it vanished.

One day brush-2 vanished. Once again I searched everywhere it might be. It’s not in the beard trimmer case. It’s not in the bathroom. It’s not in the bathroom trash can. Where can brush-2 be? Has it eloped with brush-1?

I was puzzled but I didn’t worry about brush-2. I began using an old toothbrush to clean my trimmer, and it worked just fine. In fact, I think it worked better than brush-1 and brush-2. Nice large handle, nice large brush head; it was perfect. I used it for a long time.

I have a video appointment with my doctor this morning, so I decided to spruce up a little. I opened my beard trimmer case, I took out the trimmer, and I selected the clipper guard that I wanted to use. I went to the bathroom and used the trimmer. I returned to my bedroom to replace the trimmer back into its case, and guess what…?! There, lying in the case, was brush-1. Brush-1 was back! But back from where?

Someone is going to say it was there all along and I just overlooked it. Lo siento, muchacho. Brush-1 was missing for over two years. It was gone! In all those times I used the beard trimmer, do you really think brush-1 was in the case and I just didn’t see it? I call that “reaching” for an explanation. No, it reappeared this morning and I don’t know where it has been nor how long it will stay with me this time.

Perhaps brush-2 will come home, too. I’d like to see it again, even if it returns only for a brief visit.

The video visit with my doctor is now two hours away. It’s going to happen over the phone. I just hope my phone doesn’t vanish before she calls. Come to think of it, where is my phone?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was Charles. He and Durward; they've been disappearing your stuff for years and then putting 'em back just to mess with you. Phasing 'em into a parallel reality for a time, maybe. I had a whole story of a conversation between the two of 'em in the next world running in my head and might commit it to text and write a blog about it but you could do a better job of that. Do holler if you want some input on it, I got some ideas, see...