Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Lies and Half Truths

My opinion, from where I sit looking at the political world, is that too many national politicians have too little regard for the truth. They don't care about what is true. To them, it is more important to get votes. That means that if they have to lie to their constituents about what is really happening in the world, in the country, and in their state, then they will tell those lies without batting an eyelash. Lying is easier than telling the truth. They seem to think, "Just tell people what they want to hear, even if it reinforces their prejudices, their fallacies and fantasies, and then go about your business." The voters are happy because they hear what they want to hear; the politicians are happy because they don't have to engage in difficult debates and their constituents love them; and the country continues down the long bumpy road to perdition.

It wasn't always this way. There was a time when most lawmakers seemed informed, astute, and well intentioned. There have always been exceptions, of course, but they were ... exceptions. (Southern Democrats in the era of civil rights struggles come to mind). But now it seems that the exception is the rule. "If you can't beat them, join them," is the motto of many of today's politicos.

But the fault doesn't lie entirely with the politicians. A big chunk of blame goes to those who put them in power based on their own prejudices and their own unwillingness to accept reality. It is not too late to make changes and steer the ship of state away from danger, but I doubt that today's public has the character, the inclination, or the desire to do what needs to be done. Today's voters easily swallow the lies and half-truths perpetrated on them by biased news sources and incompetent leaders because that is the easy way.  It is so much easier than the difficult job of thinking for themselves. As Abraham Lincoln said, "People will believe anything if they read it on the Internet."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Saludos! Unfortunately this world is ruled by corrupted politicians that have had magic on their mouth when they have talked and convinced us about what they wanted to do and offered to us, of course 99.99% are lies and nothing of what they offered has been done because they think only about power and get wealthy. I agree about your thinking but this is not going to change because many people still believe them, no matter if they tell us the truth or they lie and many humans have not been using their brains in the right way.
Awesome post!