Saturday, September 11, 2021

Only Time

Today is Saturday, September 11, 2021. If you're an American, you know what that date means.

Football, American style.

Oh, you thought I was referring to the 9/11 terror attacks. Yes, those happened 20 years ago to the day. But when I mentioned the date, possibly you didn't pay attention to the "day and month" portion of today's date. It's Saturday and it's September. Nothing overrules American football when the season arrives. Television broadcasters like to make money, and on a Saturday afternoon during football season, they make money by broadcasting football games.

But now that I've broached the subject of the 9/11 terror attacks, and especially after America's inevitable withdrawal from that campaign, I think it is appropriate to list some of the countries and empires that have invaded and attempted to conquer Afghanistan.

United States and NATO, 2001-2021
Soviet Union, 1929, 1930, and 1979
Great Britain, 1838–1842, 1878–1880 and 1919
The Sikh Empire, 1837–1838
Tamerlane (Timur) and Mughal Empire, 1383-1385
Mongol Empire, 1219-1221
Arab Caliphate, 7th to 9th centuries
Kushan Empire, 1st century AD
Greece, 330 BC
Median Empire, 1500 BC - 551 BC

Though countries and empires may have left their influence on Afghanistan, Afghanistan persists. Only time conquers all.


Anonymous said...

Hello! How impressive is to read about three things in a short blog. Unforgetable 9/11, it seems that it was yesterday, american football very important for your country and even when I don't understand it, I have followed it several times. I know the season started already and the final is in February. I feel sorry about how Afghanistan has suffered as other countries but the situation with them has been forever and I think it doesn't have an end. God has mercy of them.Excellent post Mr. VW and I hope you have a nice weekend.

Anonymous said...

Good post --nice historical info --- but it takes away my hope that good things would happen to the people of Afghan -- my heart breaks for the Mothers and Fathers of the kids and the families. It's beyond my comprehension that there is so much evil in some people.

Hope you are doing well and enjoying the nice weather.