Saturday, November 20, 2021


Along with fear (see previous post, Paranoia), which is the root of the anxiety behind mask-wearing, there is a weakness among many people to think properly, to discern truth from fiction, and an exceptional amount of gullibility. I'll give you a brief example.

Once, a long while ago, I received an email from a friend that was forwarded by him and probably by many people before him. The email stated that if you burn yourself (and here, we're talking about something like a kitchen burn) the best thing to do to cure it immediately is to plunge the burned hand/finger/whatever into a bucket of sand. Not cold water, not ice...sand.

My friend emailed this bad advice to many recipients—around 50, as I recall. I am sure that many of them responded with their own emails. One of the responders hit the "Reply All" button instead of replying only to the sender. So I got a copy of his reply. He stated that the next time he burned himself, he was going to use the bucket of sand therapy.

I sent him an email which said, "Don't do it. Use cold water on the burn."

He replied to my email, asking why he shouldn't use the bucket of sand treatment instead of cold water.

It seems like common sense to me. If you burn yourself, you want to bring down the temperature of the burned flesh as quickly as possible, and immediately running cold water over it will do that. Your burn won't be as bad as it would be if you did nothing.

But it wasn't common sense for the person with whom I was communicating. So rather than go into the laws of physics and try to explain why cold water will cool your skin faster than sand, I took a different approach. I noted that the original text that advised using sand had no references and no author's name. It was merely a piece of text written by an unknown somebody and then passed along to many others. I pointed out that the anonymous somebody who wrote it could be a bored 14 year-old kid sitting in his parents' basement and making mischief by sending out stupid advice to people. How would you know?

There is an adjective: credulous. It means having or showing too great a readiness to believe things. (The noun is credulity.) A lot of people today are too credulous. They suffer from an excess of credulity. As a result, they end up with pain and suffering and sometimes jail time and, sometimes, they end up dead.

The treat-a-burn-with-sand email was a long time ago, but people are still credulous and are still being "played." The most recent snake-oil being offered to those credulous people is a way of "undoing" a vaccine with a variety treatments. But Angela Rasmussen, a virologist and professor at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada, stated, "Once you're injected, the lifesaving vaccination process has already begun. You can't unring a bell. It's just not physically possible." This should be obvious but, unfortunately, too many people are too credulous. They will believe anything if it's something they want to believe. As a result, many people have died and many will continue to die unnecessarily. There's a vaccine for Covid-19. Unfortunately, there's no vaccine for stupidity.


Anonymous said...


Excellent subject -- very nice description of how many people accept something someone says as gospel. I've seen many, many fall into this trap --- for me it's hard to believe people would not want to find a good source to base their new found information.

Even for one who requires credibility before proceeding -- your post was an excellent reminder.

Thanks for the blog and taking your time to open our eyes once again to this negative vaccine hype.


Anonymous said...

Good morning readers!
This is an excellent subject to think about our lives. As the post said: "common sense" but sometimes we are so desperates for the kind of life that we live that we become fanatics of credulity because we want to believe everything that others tell us without thinking if it is good or bad for us.There are poisonous people that take advantage of our situations.
Sometimes we are like zombies doing and repeating what others do or say and we feel happy believing that they make a miracle on us.
We need to pay more attention to who and what is around us and not to be fanatics of credulity.
Very nice post and it was a big example for what I am going thru now. Thank you.
Enjoy this Sunday.