Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Beast Mode Sleep

I slept poorly last night. It happens often, but some nights are worse than others. Nuria told me that last night I kept raising my left arm and leg. And I kept turning over and over repeatedly. At one point she asked me what was wrong and I replied, "I was dreaming." I remember telling her that.

In the past I've thrown my arms up so forcefully that my hands struck the wall forcefully. I've lashed out with my leg and kicked the iron radiator beside my bed with my bare foot. Believe me, that hurt! I've literally thrown myself out of bed and onto the hardwood floor. One night when I slept alone, I awoke to find my bedroom trashed. The lamp beside my bed was on the floor, my pillow was on the floor, the trash can was turned over, my blanket was on the floor on top of the trash can, etc. To say my sleep is restless would be an understatement. Last night my restlessness was bad enough that Nuria got out of bed at 2AM and lay down on the living room sofa in an attempt to get some sleep.

I think I've always slept this way. It's not restless sleep, it's violent sleep. My brain must be in turmoil about something. Nothing comes to my mind during the day when I'm awake. But when I go to sleep, my unconscious brain goes into overdrive.

My mother and father slept in separate beds and I think I know why. I hope it doesn't come to that but I am, after all, my father's son.


Anonymous said...


This is like a nightmare, sorry that you have gone thru this and I know what it means. This problem can be stress, memories that you have from the past, medication that you are taking or just restless, but nothing to worry about.

Thank you for sharing this experience. I will pay attention myself because I don't want this happens to me.


Anonymous said...


I had a friend who told me about his life and it is simillar. He said that he thrashed around so badly he hit and hurt his wife many times --but he didn't remember it. Ultimately, she moved to another room for her own safety.

I imagine there should be a doctor somewhere who could intrepret this behavior and possibly a solution.

I would tend to agree with you that the mind is working to settle something that has happened to you.

There must be stats somewhere or case studies that would shed some light on this subject that might help you as well. For instance -- is it only males, certain age group, medication similarities, war related, other similar traumas, food allergies --- I'm sure somewhere there is a collection of studies that would be very interesting reading.

Until then - tape yourself sleeping, keep a diary of foods, drink, meds, activities for reflection.

Good luck --I'm sure you've tried many of these things already.

Best, LL