Saturday, May 11, 2024


From the news:

"A woman checked out of a Florida hotel and told staff that she was going on a God-directed shooting spree because of the solar eclipse, then shot two drivers on Interstate 10 before being arrested and charged with attempted murder Monday, according to the Florida Highway Patrol."

I wish I could say that this is the first time I've read about someone killing people because they think God wants them to do it, but it's not. I've also read about people killing people because a dog told them to do it.

Readers: make a mental note: If you think you hear God telling you to go outside and shoot people, it's not God who is speaking to you.

What is it with "God told me to do it" and all the crazy, hurtful stuff people blame on God? Like, "Sorry that I have to hold you under water (or crush you under heavy stones) but this is what God wants me to do." That has to be the lamest excuse for torture and murder that has ever been conceived.

On the other hand, I'm fairly sure that God wants me to enjoy a nightcap at bedtime. If He didn't, then He wouldn't cause me to have insomnia every night. Am I right, or am I right?

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