Sunday, December 23, 2012

Pork Story

In yesterday’s post I related the story of a central Florida man who was shot twice because he complained about the slow service in a pizza restaurant.

Today I ran across another crime gem from central Florida. This one happened about a week ago. Here is how the story begins:

Police: Man fatally shot roommate over pork chop

HOLLY HILL, Fla. (AP) - Police in central Florida say a man fatally shot his roommate during an argument over how to prepare pork chops.

I know this is the kind of story you would expect to read in the Onion, but it’s legit. There’s just something about central Florida. Maybe it’s that hot sun they have. If you stand under the midday Florida sun too long, it will bake your bacon for sure.

As for pork chops, you can roast, grill, or fry them, boneless or bone-in.

Is there really a wrong way to cook a pork chop?

I mean, a way so wrong that you’d have to kill the cook?

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