Sunday, March 30, 2014

Heard In the News

I was in the kitchen making a sandwich and listening to the TV news and I heard the reporter say, “Breaking news – a dead jellyfish was spotted in the Indian Ocean.” Or something like that. I definitely heard the words dead, jellyfish, spotted, and ocean. I had a WTF? moment. I thought: am I hallucinating? Did a reporter really say that a dead jellyfish was found in the ocean? 

Those “come-again?” phrases seem to happen more often than ever. My favorite is one I heard today. Again, I was in the kitchen making a sandwich and I heard: excess reality. I don’t know if that is what was said, but it’s what I heard. And I like it. The opposite would be reality shortage.

That’s what I’m having nowadays – reality shortage. I’m unbusy. Inactive, unemployed, unengaged. Apathetic, dispirited, lethargic. All those things and more.

Sometimes when I’m stuck for something to write, I just write what I’m feeling. Letters flowed out of his fingertips, into the keyboard, and onto the monitor to form words, sentences, paragraphs, thoughts, stories, poems. Sometimes it forms the nugget of a blog post. Sometimes nothing comes of it.

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