Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Random News

First, we have this photo from Twitter. https://twitter.com/HfxRegPolice/status/617650885305479169/photo/1

A Canadian policeman tickets this toddler for illegally parking his motorcycle by the ferry terminal – even though the motorcycle is plastic and doesn’t have a motor. Love the kid’s expression – it’s tough to be three. Of course, it’s a “pretend ticket.” That’s what you get when you park a “pretend motorcycle” in the wrong place.

Next, also from Twitter: https://twitter.com/tomwarne/status/617866054476259328/photo/1

Again in Canada, a man sailed in the sky above the Calgary Stampede (an annual annual rodeo, exhibition and festival) in a lawn chair tethered to 120 helium balloons. Eventually he parachuted back to earth where he was promptly arrested (of course) on one charge of “mischief causing danger to life”.

“Mischief” – it seems rather vague; one of those laws that can mean whatever the law wants it to mean. Police say he could still face “aeronautics” charges – piloting a lawn chair without a license, presumably.

In Virginia Beach, Virginia, a 13-inch baby dogfish shark fell out of the sky and landed in a family’s backyard. Speculation is that it was probably dropped by a large bird. The shark is now in the family’s garage freezer, next to some homemade applesauce. What a coincidence – that’s where I keep my baby sharks, too.


And finally, in Berlin, Germany, a 34-year-old man broke into a restaurant and drank half a bottle of Tabasco sauce. He told authorities he was thirsty. He was also intoxicated. Police speculated he may have mistaken the Tabasco for a tiny bottle of liqueur that is popular in Germany. Perhaps he did, but really – it took chugging half a bottle for him to figure out he was drinking hot pepper sauce?!

And that’s it. Nothing else newsworthy happened today. If it had, I would have told you.

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