Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Enough Already

The weather forecast says it might snow tomorrow. That will be fun, because I haven’t seen snow since – let me think – since the last time I looked outside. Despite two sunny days since the “blizzard,” there is still 10 inches of snow on the ground. Post Offices in the region are closed, so there has been no mail delivery for five days. Side streets are white and icy.

Days have been sunny since the storm ended, so some snow has melted and more will melt today, just in time for tomorrow’s storm.

I trudged up the street to visit friends. Walking on the icy street was treacherous. So I walked beside the street where the snow was still pristine, and it was easier to keep my footing, but walking in 10 inches of snow is work.

Later, I was in the kitchen cutting up veggies for a meal, and the television was turned on and a game show was airing. A contestant won a trip to Iceland, and she was very excited, jumping up and down and screaming. Because she won. A trip. To Iceland. Right. Iceland. You couldn’t pay me to go to Iceland. Or to any place with the word “ice” in its name. Though I’m sure it’s a nice place and the people are friendly. It’s just that the place sounds too, well … icy.

So I have to say, “Dear weather gods: enough already with the snow. Please let tomorrow’s storm bring only rain. Thanks in advance.”

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