Monday, July 30, 2018


I got out of bed around 3AM to journey to the porcelain facility. While there, my eyes caught sight of a small black spider on the wall near the bathtub. It was making a web. I watched it for a while. It had started the web in darkness, and I recalled that web-making spiders are usually blind or nearly blind. The spider creates its web without ever seeing it. A web-making spider tunes its web so the web will vibrate when struck by certain frequencies. These spiders “hear” their world through vibration sensors in their legs. A spider can also “pluck” its web’s silk strings and monitor the echoes that return in order to locate things on its web. They’re amazing little critters.

Finally my task was done and I was ready to leave. But first, I grabbed the toilet brush and whacked the spider. One whack sent the spider to spider heaven. I marvel at the things a spider can do, but that doesn’t make me want to live with one.

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