Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Lowest of the Low

In the news, the spacecraft called “Voyager 2” has left the solar system. Voyager 1 (which was launched after Voyager 2—go figure) left the solar system seven years ago.

Frankly, I don’t blame them. I’d leave this solar system, too, if I had a way. Just reading news headlines is enough to make me want to leave. Maybe I could be frozen solid as a brick and shot into the chill of eternity. It would cost me many millions of dollars and I’d probably have to sell my coin collection, but it would be worth it.

I can’t believe, or understand, the craziness in the world today. It wasn’t always like this. There was a time when good conquered evil. But, like a weed, evil bounces back. Unless it is constantly fought, it flourishes. Why?

The foot-soldiers of evil rarely reap its rewards, unless perpetrating evil is its own reward. Whoever killed those 8 month old twin babies in Mexico must feel like a real man. (Sarcasm intended.)

“Look at me—I’m a tough guy. I murder babies.”

“No, I’m tougher—I murder unarmed women with their hands in the air.”

And what kind of monsters torture a young aid worker, pull out her fingernails, rape her, and murder her? Calling them monsters is an insult to monsters.

It’s a race to the bottom to see who can be the lowest of the low. It’s a contest in which the biggest loser somehow thinks he’s won. One day they will die, too—perhaps in an ambush or a gang execution. But in this life or another, justice will prevail. The universe always balances.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Evil gets 'normalized'. IT runs amok thereafter.