Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Meaning of Life

What is Life?

Some call it “chopping wood and carrying water.”

Your job—your vocation—is only a way to give structure to your life, nothing more. It’s like a framework, a stage prop. You may be a stockbroker or you may be a janitor. When you die, the Creator will not be impressed by how many cars you own or whether they have leather upholstery. The Creator cares about whether you treated your fellow travelers with love and compassion.

How you treat others is the most important thing about your life.
Your life on Earth is a visit.

It’s only a temporary visit, you know.

It’s like a trip to the beach. You go there, you test the water and, if it’s nice, you stay in for a while. You explore. You visit the fishing pier. You go to a seafood restaurant. You enjoy the sights, the smell of the ocean. But in the back of your mind you know you’re there for a week. After that week is up, you’ll go home.

Your trip here is like that. I mean your visit to physical reality. It’s temporary. One day you’ll return to your true home. Your legacy—the only legacy you can have—will be the love and compassion you leave behind.

1 comment:

CyberDave2.1 said...

God: "Welcome, CD... say, what's that smell? Dead fish? Where you been, boy?"
Me: "Uh... a fishing pier... why?"
God: "Oy! OK, c'mon in, but you'll have to go over to Stinky People's Heaven."
Me: "Aw, God...."