Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Cold Creeps Closer

At 8AM the sky is gray and the temperature is 54°F.

At 11AM the temperature is 44° and a cold rain is falling. Despite the cold temperature and gray skies, I like this weather—I think because it gives me an excuse to be lazy and stay inside the house and basically do nothing. And blogging fits into the category of doing nothing.

By 1 PM the temperature is 35° and snow is falling. Tonight the temperature will hit 24°. Tomorrow’s high will be 40° and tomorrow night will dip to 20°. A cold front is inching closer to my humble burg. But no worries; I have a storage tank filled with decomposed dinosaurs and a boiler to burn them in. Life is good.

My cousin-in-law who lives in Florida tells me the temperature in her city is 83°. That’s nice weather, but nice weather all the time gets boring. I have a friend in Costa Rica and his weather is also nice. It’s always nice. Sometimes they have rain, and sometimes they have a thunderstorm. But mostly, the weather is nice. Nice yesterday. Nice today. Nice tomorrow. Nice next week. Nice next month. Nice, nice, nice—until the end of time. Y-a-w-n.

My Jeep has 4-wheel drive. Before I bought my Jeep, my Subaru had 4-wheel drive. Why? Because in central and western Virginia the nice weather is sometimes interrupted by very un-nice weather. Snow. Sleet. Icy streets and parking lots that haven’t seen a snowplow. I had my experiences with that.

At 3 PM the snow stopped falling. The temperature did not. The little taste of winter we got this afternoon may be around for a while.

Oh, regarding yesterday’s post: I have a new system for cooking battered frozen fish in my toaster oven. First, make sure you have a fire extinguisher handy. It must be a CO2 extinguisher, not one of those baking soda things. Preheat toaster oven for 6 minutes. Place frozen fish fillet on oven rack, with drip tray below it. After 10 or 12 minutes begin watching oven closely. When flames begin shooting off fish, turn oven off, open oven door, and use the fire extinguisher to extinguish said flames. The fish is now perfectly cooked, and the oven is now preheated properly for cooking frozen french fries. One more thing: follow my instructions at your own risk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the previous post you said you were going to line the toaster oven with Al foil... might not be such a good idea. The High Command used to do this in the oven - it's a model no longer made and replacement elements are not available, either. However, a clever repair guy, yeah, a Geezer, knew how to find a part that will fit and work. He did. And he said that the al foil is what caused the old burn out. "Don't do that," he said. Much as it pains THC, she'd rather clean the oven than go through the hell we went through finding a Geezerepairman that knew WTF.
Just sayin'.