Saturday, January 25, 2020

Lazy Saturday

It’s 1:20 on a sunny Saturday afternoon in late January. The temperature outside is 61°F according to the NWS. My city’s Emergency Operations Center also says the temperature is 61°F. The air feels quite comfortable outside.

I drove to Wally World this morning and picked up some junk food: two large bags of chips (a regular and a salt-and-vinegar), a bag of chocolate chip cookies, an Italian sub, two pre-made salads, a 2-liter bottle of cola, and maybe some other stuff. Now, half the chips are gone, as are many of the cookies and much of the cola. I have no self-control. That’s not quite true; I’ve gone from daily alcohol to no alcohol for the past three weeks. That takes some self-control. It also takes self-control to not eat the entire bag of chips, or the entire bag of cookies, all at once. Although, the Italian sub is definitely in jeopardy.

I diced a green Bell pepper and a white onion. I plan to make chili with beans later. I bought a pound of ground beef made from grass-fed steers. The product comes from Australia, so it costs a little more than ordinary ground beef, much of which probably comes from China. (If a package says “Product of U.S.A.”, that really means little. Steers can be born in, raised in, and slaughtered in another country, but as long as the imported meat is processed in a USDA-inspected facility, it can bear the label “Product of U.S.A.”.) But grass-fed steers are supposed to be healthier than grain-fed steers shot full of antibiotics to make them gain weight. Maybe it will taste better, too. I’ll find out.

Enough blogging for now. I may get back to it later today. Or not.

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