Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Year 2020

I intended to ponder the old year, and the old decade, in preparation for the new. But I had a little too much New Year’s Eve “cheer” to get into a pondering mood.

I got up at 8 AM and took my morning meds. I felt tired, so I returned to bed. I fell into and out of sleep several times, each time waking with the memory of a dream. Finally, I got out of bed and made myself a bacon and tomato sandwich. That, and a few peanut butter cookies, took the edge off my appetite.

New Year’s resolutions: I know that if we don’t change certain things in our lives, the universe will change them for us, and maybe not in the way we would have chosen. Lose weight. Exercise more. Eat healthier. Get out of the house more often. Do more house/yard work and less sitting in front of a computer screen. I know what needs to be done. It’s just a question of motivation. There is always that old nemesis called tomorrow lurking to kill our best intentions.

In 2019, I reconnected with a friend from a place I worked years ago. Her name is Linda. You can’t have too many friends. Friends thread themselves like warp and woof through the fabric of my life. When I think about my life, I think about friends I have known.

It’s 2 PM, time for a bit of lunch. I turned on the toaster oven. I have a Pollack fillet in the freezer; I’ll cook it and have coleslaw and potato salad with it. That will be my big meal for the day.

No more time for pondering. After lunch, I’ll do some cleaning and change the bed sheets. I’ll cut my hair (I’ve been cutting it myself for years) and take a shower. I’ll dress and go for a walk in the sunshine. I might walk around the nearby park. A good friend named Butch lives across from the park. His wife died and now he lives with his little black Shih Tzu named Lizzy. Sometimes her name is Lizzy-loo. She is always excited to see me and hops into my lap as soon as I sit down. Then she usually sneezes right into my face. Shih Tzu barely have any nose at all. It’s a man-made defect in the breed.

It’s five minutes until toaster-oven shutdown. Then I’ll let the fillet coast in the oven for another five minutes with the heat off. Then I’ll eat lunch and get my day started. Y’all have a Happy New Year! I’m going to give it my best shot. Till next time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great resolutions -- I think I'll steal them as well --- good luck with them. LL