Saturday, February 22, 2020

Durward and Charles – Goodbye

(continued from previous Durward and Charles episodes)

I’m a blood relative of Charles. He was my uncle, my father’s brother. But a woman who is related to him only by law—Betty, his daughter-in-law—told me my writings about Charles were distressing her and that I was, in her words,  “making fun of the mentally ill.” I never considered Charles to be mentally ill. He was a lot of things. He had an outsize personality; he was fearless; he was a doer. He was fun to be around (when he was sober—and many times when he wasn’t). He could be mean. His actions could be amoral or immoral, if not illegal. But that has nothing to do with mental health.

Charles knew right from wrong, and if he behaved wrongly, it was because he chose to do it, and he chose it because he enjoyed it. When Charles wasn’t drinking heavily, he was a successful businessman. But he had a weakness for alcohol, and he often overindulged. Alcohol was his downfall, as it is with many people. Alcohol is a drug, but drug addiction is not a mental illness.

Far from intending to make fun of him, I wrote about Charles because I considered him a once-in-a-lifetime character, the likes of which I’ll never meet again. However, if writing about him, even when I’m describing true events, brings distress to other family members, then I won’t continue doing it. It’s not worth it. After all, for me there is no gain for writing about him, and therefore no loss for not writing about him. I’ll always have Durward and Charles in my memories. As long as I live, they’ll be alive, in a sense, if only to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go back and change the names, present the stories as fiction. That's what I did and if people still living see themselves or those they love (or hate) in the stories I'll suggest that while life inspires, it's fiction. THC wanted me to write about... about certain things that happened because she couldn't and initially, I couldn't either. Until I perceived history as fiction and melded some of my fictional characters with real life occurrences. Which is often where fiction comes from, anyway. Except for the Sci Fi portion of the show. And even those was inspired by supposedly real events.
Your stories are larger than life, amigo. Whether you're recording historical events or exorcising demons or being creative, your stories are interesting. You have a rare talent. If you're not gonna, send your muse over, mine is still drinkin' and whorin' with his muse buddies out there, somewhere...