Friday, December 24, 2021


Today is Christmas Eve, 2021. It's a busy time of year. Tomorrow, almost all stores will be closed and everyone knows it. So, from Christmas presents to grocery food, if you want to have it tomorrow you had better buy it by store closing time today.

I've been listening to Pentatonix songs this morning. The group has many beautiful music videos on YouTube, including many Christmas music videos. This song (My Heart With You) is not really a Christmas song, but the lyrics deliver a Christmas message.

The song of the day is My Heart With You from the album Evergreen by Pentatonix.


Anonymous said...

Hello! I am glad to hear from you, Mr. VW. I was worried and I was missing your blogs.
Besides shopping, I hope many people will understand the real meaning of Christmas. Time for sharing, forgiveness, love, and be in peace and of course to celebrate Jesus Christ's birthday, whatever will be the religion or believe of each person.
I am ready to leave the country and meet my family. I want to wish you Feliz Navidad and I hope that next year you will continue writing for us.
Beautiful song and I love this group, the lyrics bring a lot of messages, especially love. I hope that your relationship with Nuria grows more everyday and be happy.
Take care

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas
Thank you for this lovely gift - it was so beautiful.

Have a lovely holiday --