Sunday, July 24, 2022

Vaccine Conundrum

So many things have happened this past week that I've already forgotten most of them. But I haven't forgotten what happened last night.

It started last year in March, when I got my first Covid shot. It was a Moderna vaccine. I got the shot and that's all that happened. In April I got the second Covid shot. It, too, was a Moderna. I got the second shot and that's all that happened.

In November I got a Moderna booster. My partner Nuria was with me and she got the Pfizer. What happened next: nothing. No after-effects of any kind for either of us.  

So the day before yesterday (Friday) Nuria and I got our second boosters. This time I had to get a Pfizer shot. The pharmacy didn't have the Moderna vaccine. I didn't like the idea of switching vaccines, but what the hey? A vaccine is a vaccine is a vaccine. Or so I thought. So I got the Pfizer shot.

I went home and slept peacefully. The next day was, of course, Saturday, and nothing unusual happened until I went to bed. That's not quite right. Something different did happen. Normally I eat dinner, but Saturday night I had no appetite. I ate a small salad and skipped dinner. I felt tired, so I went to bed. I woke up in the night sweating profusely. The bed sheet beneath me was wet. My pillow was wet. I tossed and turned but every time I touched something it was cold and wet. I couldn't sleep. At one point I flipped the pillow over so I could put my head on the dry side. I felt very tired. Nuria got up and put large towels on the bed and gave me her pillow. I lay down and promptly fell asleep. I think I slept until noon or possibly one o'clock. I got up, still tired, and ate a sausage-and-egg biscuit. I stayed up for an hour then went back to bed. Nuria said she felt a little not-so-good. But, Nuria didn't get as tired as I, nor did she sweat. But, her first booster shot was Pfizer, so maybe her immune system was adapted to it. 

I don't know if it was the vaccine, or the long time between shots, or the fact that I switched vaccines, or if my wretched night had some other cause. All I can say is, if I have to get another Covid shot, it's going to be Moderna. Sorry, Pfizer. Your vaccine may work just fine, but I'm not taking any chances.


Anonymous said...


Wow--what an ordeal you all had -- thanks for the info and warning -- personally I will be very careful with mixing the vaccines based on your blog about your experiences with it.

I sure hope at this point it's a distant memory and you guys are well.

It's an amazing story you've told -- I've not heard of anyone having these kinds of reactions --so thanks for sharing.

Off for vacation -- can't wait to catch up when we return.

Best, LL

Anonymous said...


WOW! Sorry to hear about what happened to you. Bodies reacts to different things, specially unknown things and when we get much older, we get weaker. It was too bad that the pharmacy didn't have Moderna, it looks that they are short of J&J and Moderna.

I hope you recovered from the fever and things are normal now. The positive part here is that you have an angel with you and she takes care of you.

I'm glad that you wrote about this experience so people will be careful taking changes. Thank you for sharing it.