Monday, August 1, 2022


I was watching a TV news interview with a Trump supporter. This guy was elderly, looked like he might have lived his life as a farmer. He let it be known that Trump was his man. He was a dyed-in-the-wool Trump supporter. Not only that, but he insisted that Trump won the 2020 election. Of course, there are many who insist Trump won the election, but this man was different in that he insisted Trump was actually running the country now, and that Joe Biden is not in charge of running anything. 

So the TV news interviewer said, "The price of gasoline is going up, the price of food, the price of everything is going up. Inflation is high. Who do you blame for that."

Without hesitation, the Trump supporter said, "Biden."

Yes, the same Biden who, in his mind, lost the election, is not in the White House, and is not running any functions of government. That's the guy he thinks is responsible for the country's problems.

There is no way to argue or reach agreement with a person who is illogical. It's like the Jonestown, Guyana, mass suicide. For the 918 Americans who died there, Jim Jones was their reality. From my perspective, a large part of the Republican Party have turned their thinking over to the whack-a-doodles running on the fringes of the Party. It's a shame. I don't know if I'll be around long enough to see how it all ends up. I suspect it will be interesting.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like this elderly man had the same memory type as Biden.

Great to see you back online -- thanks for an interesting post !!

I sure hope you're around when Trump takes office in 2024 ! Indeed it will be interesting -- could it possibly be much different than it is now?

Best, LL

Anonymous said...


Very interesting topic. In my opinion, Trump expectations were different from what we needed. I don't think he will be president again, but if he will, I hope he will do a better job.

Thank you for sharing this crazy mania!