Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Vaccine Misery

Hurricane Ian came and went through central Virginia with not much more than some breezes and a day of very light rain showers. You wouldn't know that it had been a hurricane just a few days earlier. No power outages either.

I went to Walmart Pharmacy and got a Covid (omicron) booster (the new one) and a flu shot and a pneumonia shot. I've had pneumonia shots before, but this was a new one. The pharmacist said it would be the last pneumonia shot I would ever need. I think I had the "last pneumonia shot I would ever need" a few years ago, but I might be wrong. Maybe that shot was the "last shingles shot I would ever need."  I've had so many vaccine shots that they run together into a blur in my head. 

I got the flu shot in the right arm and the Covid and the pneumonia shots in the left arm. Or maybe I got the pneumonia shot in the right arm and the Covid and flu shots in the left arm. Details, details.

The next morning I tried to get out of bed in the dark. I stood up and immediately fell back onto the bed. I tried again, and fell to the bed again. I did this four or five times before I succeeded in standing up. My shoulders hurt and I felt out of whack and off-balance. I knew it was the vaccines, and probably the Covid vaccine. I've never had a reaction to a flu or pneumonia shot. 

I felt crappy all day, and kept going to bed for an hour or two. I was also taking acetaminophen every five to six hours. It helped with the pain. By the end of the day I felt better and I know I'll be back to normal by tomorrow. I guess it's worth feeling crappy for a day if it saves my life. 

I've turned on the central heat. Tomorrow I'll try to order some heating oil. I called the company today but no one answered the phone. Maybe they were out to lunch. The price of gasoline is going up. At the local Sheetz it was $3.03/gal on Saturday, which was four days ago. Today it was $3.19 at Sheetz. WaWa keeps the same price as Sheetz. The price of heating oil goes up and down with the price of gasoline. I think I'm going to pay a lot for my next delivery of oil, but I have to stay warm. If I can't afford heating oil I can always burn the neighbor's trees in my wood stove. 

And that's all the news from the Heights. There's not a lot going on. Nuria still takes her morning walks, but the mornings are getting colder.


Anonymous said...


I hope you're doing much better now from your vaccines -- the old saying what doesn't kill you will cure you came to mind.

Your humor mixed in with your story certainly lightens the severity of your experience.

Glad you are taking the bull by the horns and taking care of your health.

It's inspiring that Nuria walks even in the colder weather --

Best, LL

Anonymous said...


Congratulations! You are fully vaccinated. I'm glad that you take care of your health, good for you.

On the other hand, let me tell you that not only gas is expensive, everything is expensive and not only in your country. I read recently that even poor people in some Hispanic countries are not able to drink coffee because it is really expensive. This is out of control, what a shame!

Thank you for sharing your experience with you vaccines, you're brave.