Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Nuria at Work

My lady friend Nuria went to work at Macy's this morning. It was her third day of work after two days of training. Nuria works in the fine jewelry department. And she's gettin' it done! She's making sales, using the computer and all-around knocking it out of the ball park. And today, the General Manager came to see her. He told her, "I wanted to meet you because I've heard good things about you." 

Nuria said, "Really? This is only my third day at work here."

But the GM wanted to meet Nuria because word gets around and she's already impressed people. That does not surprise me. You have to know Nuria to understand why it didn't surprise me. She pays attention and learns quickly. She's a hard worker and a dedicated employee. There are so many people who want a job just so they can earn some money. Nuria is retired and doesn't need money, so she works for the enjoyment of helping others. The money she earns is icing on the cake.

If every employee in America was like Nuria, the US economy would be kicking the world's ass. Pardon my French, but it's true. She's home now and running around the house doing who know's what. She just emptied the trash can beside my desk, so I know she's going to take out the trash.

Tomorrow she has the day off from work, and she's taking a trip with her senior center friends. I have it in my appointment scheduler: James Monroe Highland Tour. 

James Monroe was the fifth president of the United States and the last of the founding fathers. Highland was his home near Charlottesville, Virginia. It was also called Ash Lawn. It's one of those places that history buffs love. Regardless, I'm sure it will be an interesting trip for Nuria and her friends.

But who's going to make my lunch? What's that—you think I'm going to make it. Sure. I feel Whopper Time coming on. Okay, maybe Whopper Junior time. Oh, I know. A quick trip to Walmart to pick up one of their pre-made salads and a bottle of wine. See you on the flip side. (For you young'uns who don't know what the "flip side" is, ask your grandpa.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


What great news that Nuria likes her job and her job likes her. So glad the GM came to introduce himself. I agree that if more people were happy with their jobs the economy would take off like wildfire.
My daughter manages about 45 people -ranging from 18-80 -- she is always telling me stories of the work habits they exhibit -- horrible --- no one has any respect for bosses anymore.
I wish she had lots of "Nurias" and her life would be better.

Enjoy that whopper or salad -- I bet she wouldn't mind making something to leave in the frig for your lunch.

I hope these good times continue in her job. You have your hands full with the house repairs!

Best, LL