Monday, June 24, 2024

Flat Tires

These events happened many years ago.

I got into my vehicle and I drove twenty miles to Richmond, Virginia. I went into a store and when I came out I saw that my right front tire was partially deflated.  I assumed (correctly) that there was enough air remaining in the tire to get me home. When I got to my hometown I went to an auto shop to get the tire repaired. Imagine our (the mechanic and I) surprise when we found a spoon inside the tire. Yes, a freakin' teaspoon. That was the cause of the flat tire. Normally, one might expect to find a nail, or possibly a screw, to be the cause of a flat tire. But this was a teaspoon. Strange s**t happens to me.

Another time, also many years ago, I was driving home from work and my car developed a flat tire. I got out the jack and the spare tire and I began removing the lug nuts holding the flat tire onto the wheel. I removed all of the lug nuts except for one nut. It was "frozen" to the wheel stud and I could not turn it. After struggling with it for a while, I hired a mechanic to chisel that lug nut off the wheel stud. Of course I could have chiseled it off myself, but I don't carry a hammer nor a cold chisel with me in my car. Silly me. And I was in the Boy Scouts. "Be prepared" is their motto. Or rather, that was their motto back in the day when the Boy Scouts was for boys and not boys and girls. When are the Boy Scouts going to change their name? Like, to Boy and Girl Scouts. Or maybe, People Scouts? Hey: are the Girl Scouts admitting boys now?

I know. Off topic. Waaay off topic. It's almost midnight and I'm typing in a dark room with a couple shots of vodka on my desk beside my keyboard. Sorry about that. Uh ...  no I'm not. Not at all.

Those were the times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


The "teaspoon tire" is a first for me -- like you a nail or screw is about all I knew that got into tires. It would be hard to be as prepared as one really needs nowadays. I bet you are more than most though.
Funny --not funny stories --- sounds like you have to have a lot of patience to change tires.

Are you watching the debate Thursday night? I hope I get some more commentary on the political scene -- I don't keep up with it myself but instead rely on you to post what is happening --

We are going to see VA Governor today --- he is signing a bill for people with disabilities and new services. I want to expose my kiddos to how things happen in the government. I heard he will be running for President after Trumps term(s) finish.

Wine to Vodka -- a summer refreshing drink?
Or getting ready for your big birthday coming up?

Best to you and yours.