Sunday, June 30, 2024


Nuria, my domestic partner, works at a well-known department store. It's called Macy's. She has a flex-time job which means she works 20 to 25 hours per week. Despite this, her sales numbers are ranked number one or number two most weeks, meaning she is outselling full time employees. She also opens more credit cards than the other ladies. How does she do this?

Nuria doesn't wait to be approached by a customer. She walks around the store and asks people if she can help them find what they want. She meets and greets customers and tries to help them. Meanwhile, many of her colleagues are standing in small groups in their departments, talking small talk and polishing their nails. So Nuria is out in the store selling products while her colleagues are waiting for a customer to come to them. Of course, this makes Nuria a leader in sales.

Her colleagues don't like Nuria's outstanding sales record and some of them are now telling Nuria that she should let some of them have credit for a portion of Nuria's sales. They want to have the appearance of doing a better job than they are really doing. They are jealous of Nuria and want to steal the credit for some of Nuria's work.

This really disturbs Nuria, and I don't blame her. I told her, don't give away your number one position in sales just because some people around you are lazy or incompetent. I know she works hard to make sales and I think it's only fair that she is recognized for it. 

What do you think? Do you think Nuria should give credit for some of her sales to her under-performing colleagues, thus misleading the store management? Or do you think hard work should be rewarded with recognition?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post and very timely too !!
My daughter is going through the exact same issue.
Tell Nuria to hold her ground -- the other employees should take note of her techniques and use them to enhance their own sales.
My daughter was in charge of CC sales and excelled each time -- then someone else wanted that job --got it and bombed -- so now they want her to work with this person. But she would only help him get his numbers and she would get no credit --
I told her to ask for the job back ---
I recently did a Toastmasters presentation regarding Motivation and Laziness -- 50% of employees are apathic about their jobs -- 87% of employees who are happy will remain in the same position --
Tell Nuria to tell the others she will be happy to train them how to do their jobs better --but not share her sales.

Good luck and Happy July 4th

Best, LL