Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Gender Roulette

I've been encountering increasing numbers of articles about people who don't identify with their birth gender but want to be considered a member of the opposite sex. So there are men who want to be referred to with the pronouns she and her. And there are women who want to be referred to with the pronouns he and him

But there's more. Some people claim to identify as they and them. So we might hear the following conversation:

"Have you seen Blake today?"

"No, but I saw them yesterday."

And if you don't agree that this is acceptable, they will claim that there is something wrong with you

This is insanity. Although, I shouldn't be too harsh on him/her/them. Frankly, I identify as a cabbage. I spell my name Brassica Oleracea, I have a glycemic value of 10, and I love sunny days. 

I, too, can play this stupid game, and I think I just won.

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