Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The 2024 Election

In about 4 months, on November 5, 2024, Americans will vote for their next president. I support Joe Biden and I'll be glad to explain why.

Compare Donald Trump with Joe Biden:

Donald Trump:

  • signed a new tax bill into law that gave permanent tax cuts to the ultra-wealthy, but then applied deferred (for 10 years) tax increases to lower and middle income taxpayers.
  • downplayed the severity of Covid, which led to more deaths in the US than anywhere else on earth.
  • abandoned our allies and coddled the world's dictators. (I remember when Trump met with Putin; only three people were in the meeting: Putin, Putin's translator, and Trump. Trump had his own translator but did not allow him to be in the meeting with Putin. Why?)
  • enacted a policy of separating migrant children from their families at the border.
  • emboldened neo-Nazis and white supremacists to the point where they were marching in the streets (remember Charlottesville?)
  • Trump's final act in office was to prevent a peaceful transfer of power for the first time in this nation's history.
  • Trump is an aspiring dictator and has said so.

Joe Biden:

  • led the US to the fastest economic recovery in the entire world.
  • secured record climate spending.
  • got the government to finally negotiate lower drug prices for Americans along with capping out of pocket healthcare costs for seniors, and lowered the cost of insulin and inhalers.
  • passed the inflation reduction act.
  • increased veteran health care benefits with the PACT act.
  • upgraded our nation's infrastructure with the Infrastructure act.
  • created a clean energy boom with the CHIPS act.
  • made kids safer with the gun safety law.
  • added 800,000 manufacturing jobs.
  • added 300,000 clean energy jobs.
  • added 15 million total jobs.
  • presided over a record stock market, a record economic recovery, sinking inflation, higher wages, and the strongest economy in the entire world.


John Holland said...

Trump is a felon, had his charity shut down for corruption, had his real-estate business and university adjudicated to have been fraudulent, bankrupted an airline, a steak company and even a casino. And oh yeah, he was adjudicated to be a rapist. Other than that, he was clean as a whistle.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the post -- I enjoy reading your blogs about politics --

It has to be difficult when comparing two people-- to refrain from slating the dialog in favor of your preferred candidate, but you did a good job --

You have said before that Trump is either very loved or very hated --- no in between.

There is no doubt the media puts Trump under a microscope more than any other person throughout this readers life.

America doesn't have much of a choice in the matter of presidential candidates except what is laid in front of us --

I can't remember and president following "We the People" --- we really have never been the people except perhaps in the very early days of the constitution.

The proof of good leadership is at the gas pumps, grocery store, wages, healthcare and on the streets with crime.

We the people are manipulated by the man/woman Puppeteer behind the curtain -- the Puppet is our President and we are the audience who isn't laughing!!