Saturday, July 20, 2024

Name Tag

This happened a couple of days ago.

My partner Nuria wears a Macy's name tag. It's a white tag with black letters that spell her name, "NURIA". A magnet inside her blouse holds the name tab in place.

A few days ago, Nuria was leaving for work. She put her name tag on, and left the house. When she got to her car, she noticed that her name tag was missing. She looked in her car and under the seats, but no name tag. She left the car and retraced her steps to the front door, but no name tag. I joined the search, walking up and down the front sidewalk, looking in her car, searching under the seats, but it clearly was not there, nor was it on or beside the front sidewalk. It was gone; it had vanished. We continued looking, even taking her car to the back yard so we could search it more thoroughly in safety. I retraced her steps over and over, as did she, but the name tag was gone. In the twenty feet between our front porch and the street, her name tag had utterly vanished. She found the magnet inside her blouse, but the name tag it had held in place had vanished during her short walk down the front sidewalk.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


What a thing to happen --- I guess depending on what color it was -- it just blended along with something -- I imagine you will find it when you least expect it.

Those mysteries can be so irritating --does she wear her purse on her shoulder -- if so it could have knocked it off and went inside it.

Good luck ---

Best, LL