Sunday, July 21, 2024

Biden Drops Out

Joe Biden has dropped out of the 2024 presidential race. I almost breathed a sigh of relief. Although I liked Biden's record during his first four years, I had come to believe that I could not support him for another term in office. He is just too old. Worse, he stumbles through his thoughts and speech. He doesn't look like a man ready for four more years in a high stress job.

At the same time, I knew I couldn't support Trump. He is a convicted felon and an admitted woman molester. Remember the "hot mic" moment on the Access Hollywood clip in which Trump bragged about being able to molest women and get away with it? Except, one woman sued him and won a judgement against Trump. I can't support a molester (and possible rapist) for president. Our country deserves better than that.

So who is going to take Biden's place? My bet is on Kamala Harris. If elected, she would be the country's first female president (it's about time!) and the first Black president. Her father was born in Jamaica and her mother was born in India. That would make her the first president of South Asian descent.

Compared to Harris, Trump is the pasty, old, rich White billionaire. It's not a good look.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the post and the update --- I think both men have good/bad qualities --

It's too bad some young, very intelligent men with high morals aren't running --

I knew once Nancy Pelosi spoke Biden would act --she's the real person running the country in my opinion.

We will all have to keep our head on a swivel until election time ends !!

Stay safe our there !!

Best, LL