Saturday, January 25, 2025


Maybe I'm simply cruel and unfeeling. I admit it's possible. But...

I saw a picture of a woman in a news story. The woman was upset that her "benefits" were being delayed, because she needed her benefits now to pay for food and rent.

The first thing I noticed about the woman was that she was obese. The second thing I noticed was that her body was covered with multiple tattoos.

To me, it seemed she could afford to lose her benefits for a few weeks. Maybe if she had put her money into a bank – or a piggy bank – instead of spending it on tattoos, she would have money now to pay for food and rent.  But she doesn't have money to pay for food and rent, because she used her money to buy tattoos and – well, you can't eat tattoos or pay rent with them.

This isn't about tattoos, its about priorities. What do you really need? What do you need but maybe not so much? What do you not need but would like to have? Food is a priority. A home is important, but not as essential as food and water. And so on. Tattoos are way down the priority list. But there are people who have spent their money on them and now they can't afford to buy food. They want you and I to buy their food by paying the taxes that fund those benefits. 

And we will fund those benefits, because it's the right thing to do, and we are the kind of people who want to do the right thing. But there's a fine line between doing the right thing and letting yourself be used. Sometimes the line is blurred. But as long as we have a choice, and as long as we are aware that we have a choice, then, I think, choosing to help others in those self-made situations is the humane thing to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Ouch !!! Wow -- you certainly do feel strongly about people getting their priorities straight --- really agree with you when it involves others though.

I really believe it's inherent in us to form opinions of people who do not conform to our way of living. Not saying it's a good thing or bad thing....just the way of thinking we picked up from our parents.

And this way of thinking pretty much remains with us our entire lives.....even when loved ones don't seem to have their priorities straight--we cannot help ourselves but to work hard to pull them into our way of thinking.

I suppose that's why each and every human is very different from the other --- it keeps us in a constant state of adjustment from our past teachings/trainings.

It is certainly hard to watch others put the activities you've posted about as their priorities and then put out their hands for us to fill in the gap of common sense.

Important post -- thanks for sharing.

Best, LL