Monday, March 21, 2011

Chicken Almond Wrap

Does anything smell better than a bowl of strawberries? Yes, but strawberries are strawberriesstill high on the list. I saw a lady make this chicken almond wrap sandwich and it looked tasty. So I made one, and it really was tasty. I didn’t use her recipe; it’s simple enough that you can wing it on your own. Here’s what you do: cut cooked chicken into small cubes; add chopped green onion and slivered almonds. Mix in poppy seed dressing. Put a tortilla wrap on a plate and spread cream cheese on it and place a lettuce leaf on it. Add the chicken almond mixture and top it with diced strawberry. Roll up the wrap and cut it into 2 or more pieces. Add strawberries on the side.


I used fat-free cream cheese and “lite” poppy seed dressing. I calculate it has about 350 calories – a third of that from the wrap bread. It’s not diet food, but if you’re in the mood for something different to munch on, eating one or two isn’t going to kill a diet.

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