Thursday, March 24, 2011

Rebecca Black

I’m not a Rebecca Black basher. She didn’t write Friday. She didn’t direct the video, either. You expected Spike Jonze or David Fincher to direct a video for an unknown 13 year old girl? Ark Music Factory is … well … a music factory. They crank this stuff out daily.

It must be great to go from anonymous junior high school student to worldwide YouTube sensation appearing on Jay Leno in a week. I thought, for a 13 year old, Rebecca had a lot of poise during the interview. As for the song, the lyrics may be ludicrous but Friday has something going for it. Oh, btw … there’s an acoustic version. Really. It appears to be Rebecca and friends running through a practice of the song with what I assume to be AMF personnel in the room.

If you have that quirky sense of humor that can appreciate Firesign Theater, and you’ve watched Friday, then you’ll surely appreciate Dana Vachon’s article titled: Arms So Freezy: Rebecca Black's "Friday" As Radical Text. If you haven’t watched Friday and plan to, be forewarned that you may find it hard to get it out of your head. That could be a good thing or a bad thing.

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