Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Park by the River

The day was sunny and cool; the air was 58° F when I decided to visit one of my small city’s parks by the river. Though, this park is not an “official” park. It’s just a grassy area beside the river with a small parking area, a few scattered benches overlooking the river, and a porta-potty. Huge towers carry high voltage electrical lines through the center of the park. It was quiet and serene. The sun shone brightly and its warmth felt good in the cool air. A few fishermen were trying their luck along the banks of the river, and a family of three played ball with their young child.

Looking east:


Looking west:


A variety of waterfowl were present. Ducks, geese, blue herons, and hawks were in the air and on the water. Below, a white goose stands in shallow water near the riverbank.


Below a Canada goose stands on the riverbank.


Below, a white goose leads the way, followed by a Chinese goose and a white Chinese goose.


As I sat on a bench gazing over the water and snapping an occasional picture, a businessman (for so I took him to be) wearing a red and white pin-striped shirt with a red tie, black dress pants, and polished black shoes walked up to me and asked me if this was a good place to fish for shad. I told him it was likely to be so. When I was a boy, I fished for shad in this river very near this spot. The river used to be thick with shad when they were running. That was many yarns ago. I don’t know if the humans have left any fish alive in this river. The man thanked me and departed.

The park was quiet again. Faint conversation drifted to me from fishermen far away on the other side of the river. The sun beamed its warmth upon me. Tranquility returned. For the moment, it was all good.

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