Friday, January 24, 2014

Beaver In The News

I often work at my computer with the TV news going in the background. My eyes stay focused on my computer monitor while my ears stay tuned into current events. Lately, the news announcers have been spending a lot of time talking about some beaver named Justin. It's Justin Beaver this, Justin Beaver that. Apparently this rodent is a "singing beaver" and was imported from Canada. It's a singing, Canadian beaver. Now I'm as big a fan of musical beavers as the next animal lover, but why is this rodent in the news so much? Can it predict when winter will end, like Punxsutawney Phil, the groundhog?

I was recently disturbed to hear on the news that this beaver was arrested in Miami for drunk driving. I have two comments. First, no one should give alcohol to an animal. That is animal cruelty. Second, what in the world was someone thinking to allow a drunken beaver to get behind the wheel of an expensive sports car? In an emergency, how would a beaver get its hind paw on the brake pedal at the same time its front paws are on the steering wheel? Beavers just aren’t that big.

I can't shake the feeling that there's a part of this beaver story that I am missing.

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